Building Insulation Products Plain EPS Insulation

Tapered Roofing

Cellofoam Tapered EPS Roof Insulation saves on heating and cooling costs and provides positive drainage to eliminated ponding on new or retrofit roofs. Tapered insulation is available precut with a minimum 1/16 inch slope per foot, EPS only or laminated in your choice of facers.

Cellofoam's fully staffed estimating department stands ready to professionally layout each custom tapered roof system drawing it either in a single layer or a multiple layer system to provide the specified R-Value and slope consistent with project requirements.

Cellofoam tapered EPS insulation board is manufactured at all locations and each project is cut, coded and shipped to your jobsite providing efficient installation. Each piece of tapered board is manufactured to coincide with each drawing eliminating guesswork for the installer. Every tapered system design is backed by our sales and service department.

EPS sheets
Common tapered insulation roofing R-values at various thicknesses
Common applications of EPS insulation in roofing systems


Premium Quality

Meets or exceeds ASTM C578 specs, with excellent dimensional stability and compressive strength.

Cost Savings

EPS is significantly less expensive than Polyiso and provides the highest R-value per dollar.

High, Stable R-Value

The R-value of EPS is permanent because the only gas in EPS is air. Unlike Polyiso or XPS whose blowing agents outgas and therefore lose R-value, EPS R-values do not degrade over decades of use.

Code Approvals

Underwriters Laboratories Listed, UL Classified TGFU.R7260, UL ER7260 for low slope mechanically attached or ballasted roof systems. Please consult appropriate building codes and roofing membrane / assembly specifications.

Moisture Resistant

Cellofoam EPS is quick drying and does not readily absorb moisture from the air. Its closed-cell structure reduces the absorption and migration of moisture. Thermal and mechanical properties are unaffected by freeze-thaw cycling.

Environmentally Friendly

Cellofoam EPS contains no formaldehyde or ozone-depleting CFCs or HCFCs. Its EPS core is 100% recyclable and may contain recycled material.

Manufactured to Your Needs

Designed to provide positive drainage of water for many roofing and re-roofing applications. Fabricated pieces of tapered expanded polystyrene have a slope of 1/8", 3/16" or 1/4" per foot, as required. Each piece is labeled as it is manufactured to coincide with the actual shop drawing, thus eliminating guesswork by the installers as to the placement of the insulation.


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We’re dedicated to manufacturing products that meet the highest standards of quality and performance. Need to know if Cellofoam’s products are right for your next project? Reach out to our team.